The Ashes Sit Waiting: An Ash Wednesday Call to Worship

February 26, 2025
Prayer banner on a purple and yellow background

The ashes sit waiting to anoint hand or head, their blessings born from last year’s palm branches flamed to ash, 
mixed with oil, ready now.
Are we ready?
Lent has begun.
The simple and most difficult time is now.
Knowing already what lies ahead is humbling.
Now we let go of rich treats, or other things we choose, in order to acknowledge that we are on a wilderness journey. 
Or, we add something to this journey: meeting a friend, making a donation, offering our time, listening more deeply.
Whether adding in or letting go, both are signals that love is ongoing in us as we make the long 40-day journey, 
echoing Jesus’ time in the wilderness.
God is so accepting of us as we tread the human journey of life. 
We skip, run, wheel, mostly dashing, sometimes tired, and sometimes pushing ourselves. 
It doesn’t matter how we come on this trying, fearful journey. 
Because none of us are alone.
We travel from myriad places and times, however we are, whatever we wear, whatever our appearance. 
Laughter and tears collide and mingle, and change is ripe.
So, we can do this, everyone is welcome to where love and hate clash, meeting and dying, together.
Then wow! 
Love shakes off all hatred.
Yes... Here. 
In us.
Lent has begun.
With a cross of ashes, the wounded are nourished with grace.