Celebrating 100 Years of The United Church of Canada

May 10, 2024
100th Anniversary | Deep, Bold, Daring

Celebrating 100 Years of Deep, Bold, Daring

Join in a worship service to kick-off a year-long celebration of the 100th anniversary of The United Church of Canada.

The 100th Anniversary kick-off service will be held at Metropolitan United Church in Toronto.

Sun, June 9 2024, 4 - 6pm EDT  

It will also be livestreamed on the United Church YouTube channel.

General Secretary, the Rev. Michael Blair will be the preacher for the service.
Presiders will be Rev. Marie-Claude Manga, Rev. Hoeun Lee and Rev. Susan Lukey.

Plan your own Worship Celebration for June 9, 2024 to kick-off the year long celebration.

Worship materials can be found on the Centennial Worship Page

-a full worship service
-and the sermon from the 1925 inaugural service.

More worship materials can be found in your Gathering magazine or on GatheringWorship.ca

Sign-up to receive snippets from our 100 years of history and follow the year-long celebration, 

How will you celebrate your community of faith in this 100th year?