Finding Music By Culture on German hymns

November 15, 2022
stack of hymnals

In past issues of Gathering, we have been featuring hymns from various cultures from Voices United. This began with Loraine McKenzie Shepherd’s lists of the cultures she catalogued, and then we continued compiling some more lists. In the Advent/Christmas/Epiphany 2022-2023 issue, we were planning to feature hymns with a German connection. However, this would have been a lengthy list, so instead, we’ve provided some simple directions on how you can generate a list like this yourself on!
You can use the search function with the additional filters to find music and texts of any culture. Here’s how I found hymns related to Germany:
1.Go to Search. Enter Music. Or scroll down the main page and select the green music icon.
2.Sort by: Relevance.
3.On right side of the page, under Filter Your Search, select Music.
4.Scroll down to Additional Filters (click the blue plus sign to expand the options).
5.Culture: select the culture you’re searching for (i.e., Germany).
Behold! Over 100 hymns come up that have some connection to Germany. That connection could be related to text, tune, harmonization, or even the descant composer.