For Pride Month: Prayer of Confession

May 29, 2024
photo of rainbow from above in a mountain and sea background

In peace, we can let your light touch our
deepest place, Rock of Ages, Rainbow of Love.
We slip, we err, we lose our way.
In quiet moments, we can confess the sin that
has harmed us and the sin by which others
have been harmed.
We often behave as if we are not loved,
as if you do not love every other creature,
as if we are not lovable at all.
(a time of silent prayer)
Touch us with your light, we pray.
Let us glow with the rainbow light of love.

Words of Assurance
Love persists.
Love knocks on the door and doesn’t stop.
Love waits for us to open and welcome it in.
Be assured that you are lovable and loved.
Be assured that you have endless love within
you because you are God’s beloved child.
Thanks be to God!

Robin Wardlaw, Toronto, Ont.