Showering Us with Blessings : A Lenten Prayer
Showering us with blessings day by day, week by week, O God, you summon us to worship.
We come, aware that there is a deep hunger and a great thirst beckoning us into your presence that only you can satisfy.
We come close, longing for your life-giving, life-nourishing words.
All Sing: VU 288 “Great is thy faithfulness” (refrain only) or “The steadfast love of the Lord” by Edith McNeill (
Open our hearts and minds to receive your great faithfulness, for the news of the day unsettles us.
Offer your word of truth into those unsettling words and images:
save us, we pray, from our violence toward each other; save us from living out of our fears; save us from despair.
All sing: chosen response
In this time of worship, we pray that you will ground us deep in your faithfulness—
so deep that our lives bear the fruit
of deep compassion for others,
of deep care for creation,
of deep courage for the work you call us into.
We pray in Jesus’ name, through whom we have come to live as your beloved children summoned into your redeeming work.
All sing: chosen response