Authors: Tammy-Jo Mortensen

May 22, 2023

As the world around us changes, so does our use of language. Although we have some common images and words that we use often in “church-speak,” we are all becoming more aware of how our language can aid inclusion, honour diversity, and assist with striving for equity and justice. If...

Susan Lukey
Tammy-Jo Mortensen
May 22, 2023

While searching for materials for handbells, I stumbled upon a wonderful series of educational videos produced by the Ontario Guild of English Handbell Ringers (OGEHR). The first ones I saw were on mallet practice and technique, and the others on weaving bells. They were led by Rob Cairns (Streaming, Handbell...

Tammy-Jo Mortensen
Music and Singing
Technology; Digital
Worship Column
May 20, 2023

Do you wish to incorporate more liturgical dance into your worship services? Here’s an idea aimed at children, but it can be used with anyone. Over the last few years, the Rev. MiYeon Kim and a team of people have created a YouTube channel of children’s dance videos called UnitedWeDance-UCCan...

Tammy-Jo Mortensen
Accessibility; Ableism Justice
Arts and Literature
Body - physical
Worship Column
May 19, 2023

Since we are discussing extemporaneous prayer in this issue (Gathering - Lent/Easter 2023), how does a musician extemporize? There is a grand tradition of improvisation by musicians in the church. Many denominations around the world list “improvisation” as a desired skill on the church musician’s job posting! Improvisation is useful...

Tammy-Jo Mortensen
Arts and Literature
Music and Singing
Worship Column
May 06, 2023

This issue is all about numbers. Musicians use numbers all the time, such as for time signatures, bar numbers, page numbers, intervals, top-40 charts, to name a few. And I’m sure if you’ve worked in any denomination long enough, you memorized many of the hymn numbers. There are even songs...

Tammy-Jo Mortensen
December 14, 2022

This Lent-Easter 2023 issue (Year A) explores extemporaneous prayer. According to the Oxford Canadian Dictionary, extemporaneous means “spoken or done without preparation.” Sometimes, as artists, we extemporize, too, don’t we? In music and some other art forms, this is called improvisation. Improvising means composing or performing on the spur of...

Tammy-Jo Mortensen
November 15, 2022

Professor James F. McGrath is the Clarence L. Goodwin Chair in New Testament Language and Literature at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana. Over the last several years, he has been compiling instrumental compositions that are related to biblical scripture. You can find an article about his research and a list...

Tammy-Jo Mortensen
Music and Singing
Word of God; Scripture
Worship Column
November 15, 2022

In past issues of Gathering, we have been featuring hymns from various cultures from Voices United. This began with Loraine McKenzie Shepherd’s lists of the cultures she catalogued, and then we continued compiling some more lists. In the Advent/Christmas/Epiphany 2022-2023 issue, we were planning to feature hymns with a German...

Tammy-Jo Mortensen
November 06, 2022

In the Pentecost 1 issue of Gathering, we explored music library cataloguing. In a similar vein, we will now explore ways people track hymn usage in their services. We’ll begin with a very low-tech method: some musicians keep track in a hymn book. The top margin of the printed hymn...

Tammy-Jo Mortensen
Jim Allan
Allan Baer
Don Sellsted
Music and Singing
Worship Column
November 06, 2022

Denmark VU 967 “Amen” Finland VU 297 “All praise to you” VU 518 “As those of old their first-fruits brought” VU 652 “Be still, my soul” VU p. 734 Psalm 13: “Be still, my soul” VU p. 854 Psalm 131: “Be still, my soul” Norway VU 618 “God, when I...

Tammy-Jo Mortensen
Music and Singing
Worship Column