Authors: Tammy-Jo Mortensen

April 09, 2022

Looking for Canadian music for handbells? Look no further! The newly launched Handbell Musicians of Canada (HMC) has a new list up on their website . You will find their compositions spreadsheet under Resources . This is a list I built for a presentation at the International Handbell Symposium in...

Tammy-Jo Mortensen
April 09, 2022

Some of the most memorable moments I’ve spent with musicians of various churches where I’ve worked has been away from the church itself—on tour or at a retreat. Don’t get me wrong, the time spent at the church is really valuable in many ways, but you sure get to know...

Tammy-Jo Mortensen
Ivan Gregan
January 18, 2022

I was just reading an article in the Spring 2021 edition of the University of Alberta Alumni magazine, New Trail , and a couple of headlines caught my attention, which then gave me food for thought for this issue of Gathering on ongoing racism in the church. It feels like...

Tammy-Jo Mortensen
November 15, 2021

The word affirming can have several meanings depending on context, but the definition can include: 1) stating a fact, 2) asserting strongly, and 3) offering someone support or encouragement. In the United Church context, we first started using the term affirming to mean the inclusion of all people of all...

Tammy-Jo Mortensen
November 15, 2021

In our communities, we all need to be mindful about discrimination and ableism. The word able, on its own or as a suffix, is loaded with many positive and negative meanings (capable, teachable, unable, disable). When someone asked me to distill thoughts about my work in music ministry down to...

Tammy-Jo Mortensen